
Useful Info


Introducing the ProTUBE Solo Tower, a practical neo system that can be installed by one person...

What should I consider when setting up the ladder or work platform?

  • Before using the ladder
  • Make sure you are fit enough to use a ladder. Certain medical conditions or medications, alcohol or drug abuse could make ladder use unsafe.
  • When transporting ladders on roof bars or in a truck, make sure they are properly secured/attached to prevent damage.
  • Inspect the ladder after delivery and before first use to determine the operating condition and function of all components.
  • Visually inspect that the ladder is undamaged and safe for use at the beginning of each working day when the ladder is to be used.
  • For professional users, regular periodic inspection is required.
  • Make sure the ladder is suitable for the job.
  • Do not use a damaged ladder.
  • Remove any damage to the ladder, such as wet paint, mud, oil or snow.
  • For professional use, a risk assessment is carried out, taking into account the legislation of the country of use. Positioning of the ladder
  • The ladder must be positioned in the correct position, with the correct angle of inclination (65 to 75° inclination angle); and the steps must be level; the ladders must open completely.
  • Locking devices, if present, must be fully secured before use.
  • The ladder must stand on a uniform, level and stable base.
  • A ramped ladder must rest on a level stable surface and must be secured before use, e.g. by attaching the ladder or using a suitable device to ensure stability.
  • The ladder should never be repositioned from above.
  • When positioning the ladder, watch out for the risk of collision with pedestrians, vehicles or doors, for example. Lock doors (but not fire exits!) and windows in the work area, if possible.
  • Identify any electrical hazards in the work area, such as overhead lines or other exposed electrical equipment.
  • Stairways should stand on its feet, not on the steps.
  • Stepladders should not be placed on slippery surfaces (such as ice, smooth surfaces, or significantly contaminated solid surfaces) unless additional effective measures are taken to prevent the ladder from slipping.

    Using the ladder

  • Do not exceed the maximum total load for the type of ladder.
  • Do not overload. Users should keep their belt buckle (navel) inside the stiles and keep both feet on the same step throughout the job.
  • Do not exit a ramped ladder at a higher level without additional safety, such as strapping or using an appropriate stability device.
  • Do not use an upright ladder to access another level.
  • Do not stand on the first three steps of an inclined ladder.
  • Do not stand on the first two steps of an upright ladder without a platform and hand/knee rail.
  • Do not stand on the first four rungs of an upright ladder with an extension ladder at the top.
  • Stairs should only be used for light work of short duration.
  • Use non-conductive ladders when working with live electrical equipment.
  • Do not use the ladder outside in inclement weather such as high winds, ice hazard ….
  • Take precautions to prevent children from playing on the ladder.
  • Lock doors (but not fire exits!) and windows in the work area, if possible.
  • Have a secure grip on the ladder when going up and down.
  • Do not use the ladder as a bridge.
  • Wear appropriate footwear when climbing a ladder.
  • Avoid work that imposes a lateral load, such as drilling through masonry and concrete.
  • Do not spend long periods on a ladder without regular breaks (fatigue can create dangerous situations).
  • Steps used to access a higher level should extend at least 1 metre beyond the highest point.
  • Equipment carried when using a ladder should be lightweight and easy to handle.
  • Avoid operations that impose a lateral load on upright ladders, such as lateral drilling through solid materials (e.g., masonry or concrete).
  • Use a handhold while working from a ladder or, if impossible, take additional safety precautions.

Which stairs should be used indoors or outdoors - are there any regulations?

Basically, all stairs can be used indoors and outdoors. However, ALWAYS ensure that the ladders are mounted on a stable and non-slippery surface. It is particularly important that the staircase is flat, so that an even pressure is distributed evenly at all points. Particular care should be taken with smaller sized ladders, as the step can sink into soft ground (e.g. lawn, soil, etc.) without strong support and the ladder may lean. Therefore, for a safe footing on these surfaces, it is recommended to use the appropriate optional safety accessories, such as a cross rail for a larger contact surface or the use of a ladder base on soft surfaces.

What is the maximum height that can be reached with stairs or scaffolding?

The maximum height on a ladder is about 11 m (2×24 cable ladder steps). Working at these heights always requires a risk assessment of the planned work on the ladder.

For commercial use, according to the German regulation § 7 DGUV 38 – construction work (§ 7), the standing height on a ladder may not exceed 7 m above the supporting surface.

The maximum height on mobile scaffolding is 12 m when used inside buildings and 8 m outside buildings.

In the case of stairs, walking on the upper steps/stairs is not permitted unless they are designed to ensure a safe standing position (e.g. safety bridge with a restraint device)

The maximum access height for stairs without a restraint device is the third step/stair from the top!

What is the maximum capacity of staircase or scaffolding loads?

The maximum payload of the respective ladder type must not be exceeded. According to the German BG Bau and DIN EN 131 regulations, ladders can be loaded with a maximum weight of 150 kg. All KRAUSE ladders have been tested according to the German standard DIN EN 131 and can therefore be loaded with a maximum weight of 150 kg.

For commercial use, according to the German regulation § 7 DGUV 38 – construction work (§ 7) of BG Bau, the base on a ladder may not exceed 7 metres above the support surface.

For smaller platforms, the maximum load capacity is also 150 kg. ClimTec, ProTec and STABILO scaffolding systems comply with the requirements of scaffolding group 3, which means a maximum load capacity of 200 kg/m². The specification per m² is derived from the size of the platform and must be multiplied by 200. The result corresponds to the total maximum load capacity of a scaffold. Example: STABILORow 100 – platform size: 0,63 m x 2,50 m = 1.575 m² x 200 kg = 315 kg

How many steps does my staircase have?

Depending on the type of ladder, the upper level (platform) is also measured. For example, a ladder with four steps has three steps plus the platform. The platform can be used without restrictions. Care must be taken when using a ladder without a fine neck of at least 60 cm for household ladders and a 1 metre retaining frame for platforms and scaffolding.

What type of stairs am I allowed to install on stairs or landings?

In order to compensate for level differences between stairs and landings, it is recommended to use articulated telescopic laddermodular multi-purpose ladder or multi-purpose staircase suitable for use on stairs. Alternatively, you can also purchase accessories for our other stairs from the “CombiSystem” range to achieve the desired level control.

How much ballast weight is required for each scaffold?

The number of ballast weights depends on the height of the scaffolding, its length and where you intend to use it (indoors or outdoors). Outdoors, additional ballast weights are required due to wind loads

Where can I find assembly instructions for the scaffolding?

Each KRAUSE product is supplied with assembly and use instructions or a user manual. If this is lost, you will find the appropriate scaffolding assembly and instructions for use on the corresponding product page for scaffolding or the ladder instructions for use and operation on the corresponding product page for ladders.

What are the warranty conditions for the products?

Depending on our different product lines, we provide the following guarantees:
STABILO 10 years warranty
MONTO 5 years warranty
CORDA 2 years warranty

What does EN131 regulate?

EN 131 is the European standard for mobile ladders and addresses (in various parts) the following subcategories:

  • EN 131‐1 ‐ this part looks at the terms, types and functional sizes of some scales.
  • EN 131-2 – this part covers testing, marking and requirements for all scales.
  • EN 131‐3 ‐ this Part addresses the requirements for instructions for the use of scales.
  • EN 131‐4 ‐ Part 4 concerns single or multiple modular scales
  • EN 131‐6 ‐ Part 6 concerns telescopic scales
  • EN 131‐7 ‐ Part 7 concerns mobile platform scales

The aim of the standard is to ensure uniform quality and safety standards across Europe.

What exactly do the changes in the new standard mean?

The changes to the standard in DIN EN 131-1 affect inclined stairs (type λ) of 3 m or more in length. The changes also affect multi-section staircases, which can be used as (l)slope staircases or have a removable staircase section of 3 m or more in length. According to the new standard, these stairs must be equipped with a stabilizer of a certain length.

The standard section DIN EN 131-2 lists the test requirements for all stairs. Some tests have been modified or added here. In future tests, the ladders will be divided into two categories – “professional use” and “domestic use”.

The third part of the standard sets out the regulation governing the requirements for user information and the instructions for use and operation. In conjunction with the entry into force of the standard, additional safety pictograms will be added to the labelling of staircases. The pictograms associated also depend on the type of staircases (e.g. extension stairs, multi-purpose stairs, inclined stairs, etc.).

The fourth part examines the requirements for single or multiple joint scales. Again, the classification “Professional use” and “Home use” has been included here. In addition, some tests have been modified or supplemented.

Who revised the existing standard and why?

Increasing the width with the traverse is intended to increase occupational safety when working on these types of ladders and helps to reduce accidents. The amendments have been revised by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) on the initiative of consumer protection organisations. Other contributors were test institutes, professional associations and manufacturers.

Existing standards are reviewed every 5 years by the standardisation bodies based on the current state of the art. If there are changes, the standard will be adapted and revised accordingly.

The standardisation bodies are made up of delegations from the various member countries of CEN (“European Committee for Standardisation“, i.e. the European Committee for Standardisation. Their role is to advise and decide on changes to individual standards. These secondments include members of government bodies, professional associations, manufacturers and other interested parties. The members of CEN are the national standards institutes of the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Kingdom and Spain.

Which access systems form the basis of the new standards?

EN 131 defines at European level any technical and application specifications for mobile ladders. Ladders for professional use, such as roof ladders, glass cleaning ladders, etc., are regulated in separate standards. EN 131-4 applies to single or multi-joint ladders and EN 131-6 applies to telescopic ladders and EN 131-7 applies to platform ladders. Standards EN 131-1 and EN 131-2 do not apply to stages. Stools are set out in EN 14183.

Who has to comply with the standards?

The standards must be respected by all manufacturers who have access systems on the European market. The standards reflect the evolution of technology – the legislation of the individual countries of the European Economic Area requires that only safe products can be placed on the market. The standards therefore form the basis for these requirements. Manufacturers must comply with these standards in order to meet the requirements for safe products.

Is it possible to still use old stairs?

Users should carry out a risk assessment for their scales. If there is no stabiliser or if the existing stabiliser does not meet the requirements, the scale should be retrofitted accordingly.

How can I know if a ladder has been built according to the new standard?

KRAUSE delivered STABILO profile stairs that comply with the standards already from March 1, 2017. From 1 December 2017, we have been supplying all stairs in accordance with the new standard. Since then, we have been offering comprehensive support services for the risk assessment of the stairs. When buying new stairs, look for this sign:

You will find this label directly on the product.

What happens to stairs built to the old standard?

The standards do not apply to the operator of products according to the old standard versions. However, for commercial operators in Europe, the corresponding operating regulations apply. These regulations regulate the “minimum requirements for safety and health in the workplace when provided by the employer and the use of work equipment by employees at their place of work”, which is recorded in the German Industrial Safety Regulations (BetrSichV). An important element of these regulations is the obligation that work equipment must be kept up to date with technological developments and that risk assessments and regular inspections of work equipment must be carried out

What are our suggestions regarding stairs in stock?

Independently of regular ladder testing, we advise companies to carry out safety tests and risk assessments for access systems.

Are there any changes to the guidelines for ladder testing?

These standards do not change. Companies still have to conduct and document a ladder test according to the current schedule. As a general rule, this test must be conducted at least once a year. In the case of higher loads or frequent use, the intervals should be shorter. The ladders used must comply with the latest access technology and therefore with legal requirements. In addition, ladders should not be in a damaged condition.
I’m a retailer: Can I only sell ladders according to the new standard from 1 January 2018?Retailers are allowed to sell multi-purpose modular ladders, which were produced according to the old standard and are now in stock, even after the entry into force of the revised DIN EN 131-4 standard. Since the change of the standard is due to a regular revision and not to an increased risk for users, the legislator assumes that a product that complies with the old standard is not automatically unsafe and can therefore be resold. As of January 1, 2018, manufacturers will be required to comply with the requirements of the new standard and as of that date may only produce or supply modular multi-purpose scales that comply with the new standard.

Are there any benefits from the changes to DIN EN 131-1 and 131-2?

KRAUSE ladders meet the requirements of the legislation and all ladders comply with the category “Professional use”. The access technology from KRAUSE will be even stronger and longer lasting than ever before due to the new standard and associated testing regime. In this way, accidents can be avoided and work loss can be reduced.

Due to the development of the Trigon stabilizer by KRAUSE, all STABILO and MONTO stairs continue to be used in full functionality. It is not necessary to remove separately usable ladder sections. The ergonomic aspect is an important factor, especially with 3-part ladders, as the inner ladder can be removed and the transportable weight can be massively reduced.

What are the changes with EN 131-2?

The changes to Part 2 of EN 131 also came into force on 1 January 2018. The changes mainly concern issues such as durability tests. These tests classify the scales for “professional use” and “domestic use”

  • Professional use: The category ‘Professional use’ covers stairs intended for commercial and private use.
  • Home use: The category “Domestic use” refers to stairs intended for private use only.

DIN EN 131-2 - the new tests. How are the tests carried out?

Endurance test:

The nearest step shall be loaded with a test load of F = 2 700 N (approximately 275 kg) for the ‘Professional use’ category. The load shall be F = 2,250 N (approximately 229 kg) for the ‘Home use’ category.

The test load shall be concentrated at a distance of 50 mm from the inside of the post. The angle of inclination is 65° and therefore very flat, so that the test load has the maximum effect.

When does the test pass?

The test passes if the ladder is undamaged and its operation is maintained.

Step torsion test:

A ladder leg is fixed with a clamp. The platform or top step of the ladder is loaded with F1 = 736 N (about 75 kg). Then, at a distance of 0,5 m from the central axis, the ladder is pulled laterally with a load F2 = 137 N (about 14 kg).

When does the test pass?

The test is successful if the foot of the ladder has moved under a load of not more than 25 mm from its previous position.

Tilt ladder torsion test

In the first step, the ladders are preloaded with F1 = 491 N (about 50 kg) in the centre and the load is removed after 30 seconds. This is the initial value.

A stile at the centre is loaded with F2 = 638 N (about 65 kg) and the deformation of both stiles is measured compared to the initial value.

When does the test pass?

The test is passed if the difference between the deformation of the two stiles is less than ≤ 0.07 element a) of the width of the stiles.

Durability test of upright scales:

A 20 mm high brace shall be placed under the right rear stile to simulate an uneven surface. An alternating load of 1,500 N (approximately 153 kg) is applied to the top step (F1) and the step in the centre of the staircase (F2).

  • For stairs of the “Domestic use” category, this is repeated for 10,000 cycles.
  • For stairs in the “Professional use” category, this is repeated for 50,000 cycles.

When does he pass the test?

The test passes if there is no damage to the mounting components. This test serves as a preliminary test for the following test of the opening restraint (not mentioned here as it is an unchanged test).

Standards are recognised engineering rules designed to ensure the safety of products and services.

DIN EN 131 - The standard includes six different parts and deals with terms, types, functional sizes. requirements, testing, marking; safety information, safety information, instructions for use, modular and mobile platform ladders.

  • DIN EN 131-1: Terms, types, functional sizes
  • DIN EN 131-2: Requirements, testing, marking
  • DIN EN 131-3: Instructions for use
  • DIN EN 131-4: Single or multiple modular stairs
  • DIN EN 131-6: Telescopic ladders
  • DIN EN 131-7: Mobile platform stairs

Great innovation in the KPN series!

Great innovation in the KPN series! The large platform folding ladder with KP code, which is highly preferred by professional users due to its


Standards are recognised engineering rules designed to ensure the safety of products and services. DIN EN 131 – The standard includes six different parts


Introducing the ProTUBE Solo Tower, a practical neo system that can be installed by one person Usually mobile towers are installed by two workers.